![dks dks](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/1208520498caveira_gnu.jpg)
(usa Debian)
Enviado em 30/01/2008 - 21:57h
nao deu certo com $kdm,
acho que pode ser algo com o teclado pq ele mostra a seguinte msg:
xkb_keycodes {include "xfree86(abnt2) + aliases(qwrty)"};
xkb_types (includes "complete"};
xkb_compatibility (includes "complete"};
xkb_symbols {include "pc(pc105) + br"};
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
>Warning: Multiple names for keycode 134
> Using <KPPT>, ignoring<I06>
>Warning: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but<RALT> has 2 symbols
> ignoring extra symbols
ERRORS from xkbcomp are not fatal to the xserver
waiting for X server to shut down