Calendário com Tabela
Publicado por Helton Barbosa Santos Ferreira 10/04/2006
[ Hits: 9.435 ]
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<? //************************************** // for :Calendar //************************************** /* * Copyright (C) 2002 Calendar by Josh Sherman <> * * This source and program come as is, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and/or * WITHOUT ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY. * * Users of said software should realize that they cannot and will not hold * myself or Clean Code reliable or responsible for any purpose WHAT SO EVER. * Please read all documentation and use said software responsibly. * * ANY COMMERCIAL REDISTRIBUTION OR ANY PROPRIETARY REDISTRIBUTION OF THIS OR * ANY SOURCE FROM CLEANCODE.ORG IS PROHIBITED UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND * SHALL NOT BE RE-SOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PRIOR AGREEMENTS WITH * CLEANCODE.ORG * * I can be reached by electronic mail if there are any questions or concerns * about this software, or any other software that was written and / or * distributed by <> * * Software supplied and written by Josh Sherman, */ //************************************** // Name: Calendar // Description:This script displays a calendar (built out of a table) for the specified month and year, and allows you to skip forward and backwards between months. This is a small component of another (larger) project of mine. // By: Josh Sherman // // // Inputs:month and year on the Querystring // // Returns:A calendar for the specified month // //Assumes:None // //************************************** /* Print out the HTML headers, and calendar header */ echo "<HTML>\n" . " <HEAD>\n" . " <STYLE>\n" . "BODY, TD, TH\n" . "{\n" . " font-family: Verdana;\n" . " font-size: 8pt;\n" . "}\n" . " </style>\n" . " </head>\n" . " <BODY>\n"; /* Grab the month and year */ if ($month == "" || $year == "") { $this_month = date("n"); $month_name = date("F"); $this_year = date("Y"); } else { $this_month = date("n", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $month_name = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $this_year = date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); } /* This is for the navigation */ $last_month = $this_month - 1; $next_month = $this_month + 1; /* Same with all this stuff */ if ($last_month == 12) $last_year = $this_year - 1; else $last_year = $this_year; /* DITTO!!! */ if ($next_month == 1) $next_year = $this_year + 1; else $next_year = $this_year; /* Display the calendar header */ echo " <CENTER><B>Calendar for $month_name, $this_year</b></center><BR>\n" . " <TABLE align=\"center\" border=\"2\" bordercolor=\"#000000\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n" . "<TR bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Sun</th>\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Mon</th>\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Tue</th>\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Wed</th>\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Thu</th>\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Fri</th>\n" . "<TH width=\"50\">Sat</th>\n" . "</tr>\n"; /* Grab the first day of the month, and total days */ $first_day = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $this_month, 1, $this_year)); $total_days = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $this_month, 1, $this_year)); /* Start on the day of the first week */ $week_num = 1; $day_num = 1; /* While the day of the week isn't '7' */ while ($week_num <= 6) { echo "<TR>\n"; /* Loop through the week days */ for ( $i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++ ) { /* If it's the first week then... */ if ($week_num == 1) { /* If it's not the first day yet, then use a space */ if ($i < $first_day) $the_day = " "; /* If it is the first day, then start with a '1' */ else if ($i == $first_day) { $the_day = 1; } } else { /* If we're past the total days, then use spaces */ if ($the_day > $total_days) $the_day = " "; } /* Display the day (or space) */ if ($the_day == " ") echo "<TD height=\"50\" width=\"50\" valign=\"top\"> </td>\n"; else echo "<TD height=\"50\" width=\"50\" valign=\"top\">$the_day</td>\n"; /* Incrememnt the day of the month */ if ($the_day != " ") $the_day++; } echo "</tr>\n"; /* Increment the week number */ $week_num++; } /* Finish off with closing out our tags */ echo " </table>\n" . " <BR>\n" . " <CENTER>\n" . "<< <A href=\"?month=$last_month&year=$last_year\">Last Month</a> || <A href=\"?month=$next_month&year=$next_year\">Next Month</a> >>\n" . " </center>\n" . " </body>\n" . "</html>\n"; ?>
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